Scavenger Hunts by Location

For intermediate-level scavenger hunts without photos, use the links below. For easy scavenger hunts with photos, please visit the Scavenger Hunts by Language page. Russell Field-Spanish Russell Field-French Russell Field-Mandarin Russell Field-Korean Russell Field-Portuguese Russell Field-Bangla Russell Field-English Danehy Park-French Danehy Park-Mandarin Danehy Park-Korean Danehy Park-Spanish Danehy Park-Portuguese Danehy Park-Bangla (in progress;translator needed) Danehy Park-EnglishContinue reading “Scavenger Hunts by Location”

Art at the Farm, Monarchs, and Insectives

This month there’s quite a bit going on outdoors in Cambridge for kids, especially on Sundays. Use your creativity to make box puppets of local animals at Art at the Farm on August 13th,  watch the monarch caterpillars grow all month and then be released at Fresh Pond  Reservation on August 19th,  and become anContinue reading “Art at the Farm, Monarchs, and Insectives”

Fly, Buzz, and Honk!….Again

Art and Nature will meet once again in a Cambridge open space on Thursday, July 26. Now postponed to Friday, July 27, due to the weather forecast. The third annual Fly, Buzz, and Honk! Festival offers guided nature exploration for children, a pollinator relay game, puppet-making, make-your-own nature journal, National Moth Week activities, and anContinue reading “Fly, Buzz, and Honk!….Again”